The research of the Chair of Process Biotechnology focuses on current issues in technical microbiology, cellular biotechnology as well as biotechnological strategies in energy & environment. Microplastics and artificial biofilms are current interdisciplinary research fields.

Technical Microbiology
Technical Microbiology utilizes microorganisms such as bacteria and years cells for the production of resources. Food industry presents an important area of application, but the production of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals can also profit from the specific metabolic activities of biological organisms. The chair researches mostly in the area of process development and scalability, with an increased focus on complex matters such as the co-cultivation of several interconnected organisms or the cultivation of strictly anaerobic bacteria. Integrated filtration processes represent an additional emphasis. We offer an introductory course in beer brewing for students interested in exposure in this subject. more...

Cellular Biotechnology
In Cellular Biotechnology, our research focus lies on mammalian cells as production lines for pharmaceutical biotechnology, as well as human primary cells for tissue engineering applications. Current projects include the mechanisms of non-viral genetic modification of cells as well as the interaction with its generated products. Other fields of interest include the metabolic aspects of process intensification as well as the further development of tools to induce targeted cell differentiation. Current research on tissue engineering is focused on the reconstruction of the liver and the expansion of human primary T- and B-lymphocytes. The interaction of cells and tissue with microplastic particles is investigated as part of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1357. more...

Energy & Environment
Biotechnological processes have the potential to provide a crucial contribution for a sustainable future. The chair researches the production of renewable energy (biogas, biomethane, biohydrogen), microbial fuel cells and the interconnection of energy and waste industries, for example during the fermentation/composting of domestic and communal biological waste. The effect of impurities such as heavy metals, microplastic, lignin or inorganic nitrogen compounds on the biology within industrial plants as well as in nature, and strategies of targeted degradation are further research topics. Additional emphasis is placed on technologies for nitrification and denitrification in wastewater treatment plants. more...

Interdisciplinary research: Microplastic
The ubiquitous contamination of the environment through microplastic and the associated risks for ecosystems and public health have come into heavy public and scientific focus in the last few years. This relatively new research field has so far mostly been concerned with the development of suitable monitoring processes, the quantitative assesment of environmental contamination especially in aquatic systems, and first approaches towards entry prevention/minimization. Ecotoxicological investigations have been carried out mostly using brand-new polymers. All current research lacks a fundamental understanding of the physical, chemical and biological processes that microplastic particles undergo and are subject to in the environment. more...