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Chair for Process Biotechnology

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2024    2023    2022    2021    2020    2019    2018    2017    all years

Date News
17.11.2020 New Article: Flexible feeding in anaerobic digestion – Impact on process stability, performance and microbial community structures
01.11.2020 Manfred Stoppock starts his work as Post-Doc
01.10.2020 Start of "Biologisch abbaubare Beutel in der Bioabfallverwertung: Potential zur Verdrängung konventioneller Plastikbeutel, Abbau in der Anlage, Umweltrelevanz (BabbA)" project
01.06.2020 Daniel Keim starts his PhD thesis
14.05.2020 New Article: Influence of mixing and sludge volume on stability, reproducibility, and productivity of laboratory-scale anaerobic digestion
29.02.2020 Maisels Home Brew participation
07.01.2020 Helene Kaleeva starts her PhD thesis

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Ruth Freitag

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